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In a world where every border is a fine line that must be sharpened, strengthened and protected she was born.

To an era that witnessed significant events that transformed both the face and the surface of the world she opened her eyes and curious mind. Most events or incidents were subjected to extreme explanations and analyses, and later on, these explanations and analyses were broadcasted and celebrated on media more than moderate rational explanations.

Time seemed like a result of a spiral competition between clock ticks and time flow, where ticks’ endeavors dedicated merely to remain aligned with the actual time flow proved futile. Ticks were more of a quickly aging man with deteriorating running capabilities kept behind the escaping time flow.

Although the sequence of events progressed steadily for a considerable period of time, the events’ pace went completely out of control and a universal tournament was exposed leaving most rational people bewildered! The world was getting crazier and wilder at accelerating rates, and the wide spread of conflicts, struggles, strikes and wars lead to a concrete result that was overlooked for prolonged periods of time because individuals and entire nations were pre-occupied in several life consuming activities, the top of them being the never-ending loops of debt-paying activities. At this point, the result that “the planned destruction the world is experiencing must be in service of some entity’s interest” became no less of a fact that one can no longer turn the blind eye from.

Zooming into events and their unfolding details through time lapse cleared the fog and the confidence that this entity was smart enough to minimize the losses borne on its own side whilst maximizing its achieved goals grew with the improving vision. This entity, let’s name it “M”, was also smart enough to learn the lessons gained from its own experiences and failures, as well as, from the world’s mega pool of hardships.

To achieve its strategic goals with the minimal losses possible, “M” came to an understanding that it has to utilize the people of the target area/zone. Not only would this secure achieving its goals smoothly, but it would also maintain its cute “democratic, civilized, modern and sophisticated” image perceived by the outer world, whereas all parties involved in the conflict would be portrayed as savages incapable of sitting, discussing and negotiating matters on one table in a civilized manner.

To implement this strategy, “M” refers to a list of tactics that it keeps enriching and updating. One of the common tactics “M” uses is creating an extreme* opposition group and arming it with morale and weapons to be equipped and ready for a military action/intervention once needed. This opposition group would be programmed either against “M” enemy/ies for the purpose of destroying or at least assisting in destroying them, or in alignment with “M” set of goals. The extreme nature of the group entails an allegedly holy form of purpose and mission and believing in the immediate need for a holy war. Bear in mind that “M” is well-versed; therefore, it tends to form extreme* militias with announced agendas that contradict with the actual hidden agendas to extend the militias service under the cover of the greater good and purpose to the longest durations possible. Extremism, terrorism and fundamentalism are 3 concurrent factors that justify a military intervention/action under the cover of spreading liberty, freedom, and democracy. Leveraging on this fact, rather than creating an opposition group directly, “M” can pave the way and simulate the necessary climate for an opposition group emergence in some cases. To do so, “M” might implant reasonable causes that result naturally in establishing a conflict or a disputed zone/area, and igniting a war or a preliminary form of war at minimum. If the zone itself became a subject of dispute amongst several parties, then the war is ignited at greater ease and the results are reaped earlier than planned. While creating opposition groups, “M” works synchronously on creating loyal individuals or groups united under common goals and a belief system that is on the other farthest side of the continuum contrary to those of the opposition groups. Loyal parties need not be under the belief of some holy divine purpose, in fact, such parties are better positioned to create a lateral conflict if they had more secular orientations. An upgraded version of this orientation can come also in the form of customizing a divine religion to modern secular templates and stripping the religion from spiritual aspects as much as possible. This later version attracts people faster since it comes in a taste they are already acquainted with and does not challenge or revolutionize the existing belief system. Success of the aforementioned strategy is guaranteed more if those internally loyal forces, who will later on turn into active forces or discover that they were already acting forces without their knowledge and explicit consent, thought they knew better and were smarter and above their average peer citizens. Such thoughts will consume them and drown them in a personal ego-maintenance and upgrade struggle while “M” controls them like puppets from the top. On the micro level, things look simpler and, unfortunately, they might even look completely settle if compared to the boiling pot seen in the macro view. Imagine what a beautiful and more precise picture would be drawn of the situation if meso and meta levels of analysis were injected in the model! This micro-level quiet and stable view that citizens experience in their daily life, and which appears like a constant and tempting status-quo, secures “M” extra time to reap most of the conflict benefits before regular busy citizens become involved in it. Once engaged, citizens of the zone and any parties involved in the conflict will have already cleared the way for “M” as the zone has been exhausted from the conflict. A weak, vulnerable, and penetrated zone is now ready for “M” to enter and rule. Genocide and religious, more specifically creed-based, cleansing is usually done if a specific creed is an obstacle; however, “M” won’t dirty its own hands with similar acts that result in prosecuting it as a war criminal or in viewing it as one. To progress towards its goals steadily and with the least noise and uncontrolled variables, “M” preserves that democratic, civilized, modern, advanced and sophisticated façade. In addition, it has to focus on the civil world pillars and preempt in its enforcement: the Rule of Law, the pinnacle of a civilization!

Kicking off a military intervention/action does not always require a solid justification. In some cases, deploying a militia/opposition group close to the border and pushing the countries sharing such borders to believe that their sovereignty and borders are threatened is beyond sufficient! Eventually, all of these parties will have paved the way for “M” to enter the region, fill it with the type of citizens that fit its criteria, program the remaining citizens to fit into these criteria, and establish a more politically and economically appealing country. Sadly, citizens who survived the conflict and remained in the zone might celebrate the new order thinking of it as a triumph and a breakthrough that produced a modernized state, neglecting the fact that all they will get from their bread stolen by “M” is the remaining crumbs that fall on “M” table.

The above is no longer a conspiracy theory. Indeed, it is a theory of the minority “M” conspiring against the majority in service of one thing: the Minority Interest. Think the story ends at this point? Not really, the minority is just a servant either knowingly and willingly or unknowingly to a meaner master bound by no ethical constraints: “Iblis”. “Iblis” has been dedicated since the beginning of humanity to the primary purpose of inciting humanity to follow him by driving them astray from the right path whether through doing less good, committing evil, or occupying their minds with on-going debates of the pros and cons of the good vs the evil as Iblis makes evil more alluring and handy than good.

Ironically, every puppet in the layer is a puppet of the layer on top of it, and Iblis himself is a slave of his own arrogance. As I said a year ago on my Facebook page:

” ابليس يراقب فرحاً مختالاً فيما يدمّر البشر الكرة الأرضية ويقضون على بعضهم بحثاً عن مصالح فردية قصيرة الأمد “,

meaning that Iblis is happy and swaggered watching humans destroy planet Earth and terminate each other in their pursuit of personal short-term interests.

If this scenario seems familiar to what you experience in the real world, then remember that we are documenting history for generations to come so we hold the responsibility of telling them how changes in borders and maps occurred, and why and how humanity dropped to the bottom of ethics, values and principles while sky rocketing the levels of moral flexibility.

Close friends, companions, and family members tend sometimes to notice what happens only when you’re mistaken or when something goes wrong against what was planned.

Other times they tend to notice when you make bad choices or when you fall sharply.

Ironically; they fail to see a situation worsening, or decide voluntarily to turn the blind eye to save themselves a headache of a situation beyond their comprehension or capability.

Not only that, but they also fail to see the grinding pressure of the peak of pains and tough times when you’re standing alone facing a catastrophic situation by yourself until that catastrophic situation consumes you when you coalesce with it in a fierce survival struggle.

After that struggle, they watch your exhausted, wounded and scarred self bewildered; wondering why you became a reflection of that catastrophe and its negativity and spiral downward.

While they look down at you they might only hear your cries during the fall and you find it troubling how they didn’t hear your cries for help and warnings from the upcoming situation that you predicted will go out of control earlier.

Pain indeed is a great master of humans, and if somebody can neither share your pains, nor can they alleviate it, you will prefer that they step aside, and stop criticizing and judging while looking down at you from their tower.

Personally I believe that if I do not have any real practical solution or directions and guidance for tackling a situation then I might do more harm than good to the person in despair if all I did was listening passively or with a judging tone.

You should not worry while facing the catastrophic situation alone, and be sure that you will stand again on your feet stronger, firmer and better than ever after this situation has cultivated you.

Although pains will leave scars, think of these scars positively as a reminder of the lessons learned from a priceless experience. With reason, determination and balance between intellect, spirit, and emotions your ship will anchor safely at the shore and you will be amazingly well and even better beyond your expectations. Remember also that a situation always looks different to a person who goes through it than how it looks to a person who looks at it from outside.

After gathering yourself you will most likely remember those who stood by your side, listened to you thoughtfully every time you needed a good listener, and believed in you when everybody else gave up on you. The most you will remember will be the ones (best-case scenario one) who were even proactive enough to feel that you’re going through hard times and offer the helping hand without you even disclosing to them that you’re going through tough times.

The world will seem to be drawn in 3 definite categories:

  1. People who remained on your side and gave you confidence and space to think and act freely within even when they disagreed with you
  2. Those who unexpectedly gave up on you, because they were too weak to stand with you against a strong opposing current, or because you were deemed weak from a stereotyping merciless society during that time
  3. Those who didn’t and don’t matter to you whether because you didn’t know they exist or because they didn’t know you exist

Small reminder: the discussion here is about close affiliations/connections, and not about affiliations with whom we maintain distance and formal relationships.

Did it happen to you?

If you like to share a similar experience (in terms of generic aspects without mentioning specifications or personal details) please feel free to leave a comment or send an email to ( The vast majority tend to hesitate to share their experiences for several reasons including fear of exposure and vulnerability. While we respect the vast majority; our target audience is those who are up to the challenge 🙂


If I were the type of person who continually criticizes others, I would be careful of what I become because sometimes we become the very individual/thing we criticize.

Man strived to improve his life and little world, searched for remedies for the unexpected and undesired side effects and found an alibi and somebody to blame, let it be nature, God, or whatever. Technology and innovation run faster than environmental and societal gap fixes.

When corruption prevails or soars it is because the aware systems surrounding the corrupted person/entity reinforce the corrupted behavior, or turn the blind eye from it instead of rectifying it.

Humans spend the money they neither possess, nor have earned and wonder why they run in vicious circles of indebtedness.

On the other end of the phone she was crying and sobbing over a need she worked hard to satisfy but failed badly to; only to end shredded in total despair, vulnerability, and devastation.

During direct communication with her she conveys and fully adopts the model of a simple female with low to moderate needs; being the trivially demanding lady. She portrays herself as well as a victim of people in her life and events she experience.

Social networks is a great arena for her to express herself the way she prefers to be perceived and drawn in others’ minds. From that point she excelled in tailoring her marketing techniques to the service of her growing desires. She also managed to secure a friendly perception of herself; an image necessary to hide a competitive spirit willing to ruin anybody who stand or might in her desires’ way.

Too many conflicting incidents accumulated at this point; giving rise to a persistent need to:

Pause ||

Tick, tock, tick, tock…

Time was passing by very slowly at the earliest shocks and disturbing discoveries, at an accelerated pace later on, driven into uncontrolled velocity eventually.

Having experienced so much, rewinding became a must , not for the sake of experiencing the exact details, but rather for the purpose of learning the maximal lessons that could be grasped.

Resume ||

Through time progression the very friend grew into a frenemy only to mature into a true enemy, which happened to be so since their earliest relationship with everybody. While she pictured herself being a victim of everybody, everybody ended being a victim of her unique twisted attributes, conspiracy being the least of them.

With schizophrenic tendency, and aggressively developing severe sick psychological conditions, she found no better strategy than to impersonate others in different occasions in a way that suits her needs, while utilizing whatever details she could collect about those she needs to impersonate during a journey dedicated to fulfill an abnormal, and uncontrollable curiosity.

Those low breakdown moments were her most sincere and act-fake free times when anybody could get to know her for real. Throughout those times she exposed her deep twisted character hidden underneath thick layers of conspiracy, deception and dishonesty, totally naked for anyone to not observe or mistaken the ugly and evil character she grew into.

Her barely average capabilities made her unable to remain balanced under pressure and stress, at which point she responds by becoming an overly-chaotic being, unleashing dark secrets and disgusting areas hidden skillfully underneath the skins she keeps borrowing and wearing.

In total disgrace, anybody who knows her pretty well, regret knowing her at all, and question their intelligence and how it betrayed them failing to uncover the true self of her earlier in the course of meeting her.

An Internet-based war fails to uncover traits of true warriors as they hide behind their devices. It disguises bravery and confrontational abilities experienced and uncovered relentlessly in a physical contact war.

Nations mistaken democracy for decision making. While democracy might be practiced at the utmost civilized levels, lobbying can have the upper hand to affect decisions and activate/deactivate laws, regulations, etc.

When ideas and thoughts are crowded in your head, but you cannot stop thinking because it has become a living style and an approach for growing yourself…

When you need to clear your mind, but the needed time away and activities are both a luxury you cannot afford…

When you observe so much, but the intense and worthy observations are faster than the speed needed to understand them…

When you feel down and want to pick up, but can’t because you’re trapped in a narrow corner of negative thoughts that trap you and keep dragging you downwards…

When you are capable of reading this all the way through the end, then you should smile because you have at least one reason to smile for:

kermit the frog free


Image Courtesy:, image is free of copyright.


Speak out your mind; what the world thinks is important, but what you think is more important. Remember you live with your own mind 24/7, so you are the one who will ultimately bear with fears, doubts, concerns, confusing issues, problematic situations, challenges, etc, residing in your mind.

Speak out your mind because definitely no one else will speak that mind of yours, and even if they do they won’t be accurate, precise, and as good as you will be.

Speak out your mind and be sure that if your close society is not interested to hear it, other parts of the world might be badly curious to hear it and explore it further.

Speak out your mind and be confident that once you do: fears can be faced; mistakes can be spotted and corrected, confusions might be clarified, dark spots might turn into paths of light and glory, and unexplored beauty might be explored and hopefully found by experts seeking uniqueness.

Speak out your mind, and not anybody else’s mind. No need to fake knowing/not-knowing something or fake being somebody else, you are what you are because of the values and beliefs you hold, and that is what you should reflect.

Speak out your mind and be sure that one day the sun will shine on forgotten or unexplored areas of your beautiful mind to unleash talents you may have never known about or at least forgotten.

Just do it and speak out your mind simply.

Tomorrow is just another day which we decide what to make of.

Real Changes in our lives come naturally as a result of thoughtful decisions coupled with plans that layout action items for achieving goals and measures for following up on goals’ accomplishment.

A boy remains a material for an excellent man until he decides to turn from a material of something into this actual something. Likewise; a girl remains a material for a great wife and mother until she decides she has grown enough to be ready for this commitment.

A reliable, persistent, and consistent person is what we need as a partner in our lives. Inconsistency usually reveals patterns, which should be noted for any less-than-desired or even abnormal or faked behaviors or attitudes. A partner needs to be dependable in order to rely on them during times of ease and hard times. If a partner is not persistent and focused to achieve the set goals and to turn the partnership into success, as well, then this entire partnership and the eligibility of this person as a partner should be questioned.

Meeting some people push us forward, or enable us to leap in our lives, while meeting others pull us backwards or drag us downwards.

Why would we need fictional superheroes with super and imaginary powers while we have persons surrounding us who leverage on their human skills to produce realistically distinguished outcomes?

In courtesy of a great support; a person who spots a problem and offers help before even communicating it.

Trusting the wrong people is bad, being unable to discover they are not trust-worthy is worse, and maintaining the same attitude towards them after discovering they are not trust-worthy is the worst of all.


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May 2024



By Ayyash

The Observer

A Mirror but of a unique kind. I also have a story to tell; indeed, I will forever have a story to tell...


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From a Critical Point of View

If everything seems to be going well you have obviously overlooked something