Do we need somebody to burn completely alive in front of our own eyes, in order for us to wake up and revolutionize the status quo?

Should somebody’s entire existence be sacrificed in order to believe in certain facts and realize that we may have been surrounded by fake, hypocrite and corrupted persons?

What does a person’s vast practical experience, domain-centric knowledge, and quality mentality serve if they are fooled effortlessly by persons with shallow intellects, and lower capabilities, and have been subject of manipulation by such persons repeatedly without learning any lessons?

I am just wondering, in my quest throughout an experiment that failed to produce the expected results:

During our daily lives, and in critical situations where our entire characters, ethics, minds, and beliefs are challenged and questioned; where do we place ourselves on a continuum ranging from being pre-emptively Proactive, to Active, descending to being merely Reactive, and ending by being totally Passive?!

Wondering, and wondering, until some answers are found…